It’s 2023, so why don’t we share with you 23 Fun Facts about alcohol?


  1. Wine was invented nearly 3,500 years before the wheel. Crazy, right?
  2. The word “alcohol” is derived from the Arabic word “al-kuhl,” which means “the essence.” 
  3. The world’s oldest known recipe is for beer. It was written on a clay tablet in ancient Mesopotamia.
  4. In ancient Rome, it was common for people to dilute their wine with water to avoid getting too drunk. However, if you were poor you’d also dilute your wine with water to make it last longer. So, what’s the real story?
  5. A beer was once made from Antarctic ice.
  6. The phrase “liquid courage” refers to the confidence people sometimes feel after having a few drinks. This is also how I feel when I try to deliver a pick-up line.
  7. The most popular cocktail in the world is the Margarita.
  8. The average person can taste the difference between a $10 bottle of wine and a $100 bottle of wine about 50% of the time. We’re not stats experts, but we believe in you!
  9. It is illegal to get a fish drunk in Ohio. Don’t ask, just accept it.
  10. In ancient Egypt, beer was considered a gift from the gods and was often used as a form of currency.
  11. The world’s largest wine cask is located in Heidelberg, Germany and holds 49,000 gallons of wine.
  12. The world’s largest cocktail was made in the Philippines and contained more than 3,500 gallons of gin, tonic water, and lemon juice.
  13. The term “toast” originated in ancient Rome, where a piece of toasted bread was dropped into wine to improve the flavor. And no, we didn’t get this from the Big Bang Theory.
  14. In ancient Greece, it was customary to dilute wine with seawater. That doesn’t sound nice…
  15. The phrase “one for the road” originated during Prohibition in the United States, when people would take a final drink before setting out on a long journey to avoid being caught with alcohol.
  16. The world’s oldest distillery is located in Ireland and has been producing whiskey for over 1,000 years.
  17. The world’s largest bar is located in Las Vegas and can accommodate up to 5,000 people at a time. Now if that wouldn’t be an unforgettable experience, we don’t know what would be.
  18. The term “brandy” comes from the Dutch word “brandewijn,” which means “burnt wine.” Dang, on its own, that’s pretty neat.
  19. The world’s largest tequila bottle is located in Mexico and contains over 1,000 liters of tequila.
  20. The world’s largest sake bottle is located in Japan and contains over 2,000 liters of sake.
  21. The world’s largest vodka bottle is located in Russia and contains over 4,000 liters of vodka.
  22.  In ancient Greece, it was believed that wine had the ability to improve one’s intelligence and mental clarity.
  23. The term “hangover” was coined in the 19th century and is believed to be a combination of the words “hang” and “over,” as in feeling like one is hanging over a cliff.